Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: June 8, 2022
Last Updated: April 28, 2023

This page provides the terms and conditions for using and participating on the Writing Faith Studio website. The terms and conditions of use are governed by the laws of the United States of America and of the state of North Carolina. Please review the information carefully.

Who we are

Our website address is: https://writingfaithstudio.com. The owner of this site is: Jodi Belcher.

Privacy policy

Please review our Privacy Policy here: Privacy Policy.


If you have questions about our Terms and Conditions, you can contact Jodi Belcher by email or by filling out the contact form here: Contact.

Copyright and intellectual property

The content published on Writing Faith Studio that is created by Jodi Belcher belongs to Jodi Belcher. This content is copyrighted and may not be altered, republished, redistributed, sold, or used for commercial purposes without Jodi Belcher’s prior explicit permission.

This site also contains content not copyrighted by Jodi Belcher, and every effort has been made to abide by “fair use” (Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976) and “Creative Commons” policies in the U.S. with this content. The copyrighted material used at this site falls under criticism, commentary, education, and scholarship categories for “fair use.” If you want to use any of this content, responsibility for adhering to copyright, fair use, and creative commons laws and restrictions that may apply to such material falls to you.

Limitation of liability

The Writing Faith Studio website operates “as is.” We do our best to provide accurate, potentially beneficial content and to keep the website running smoothly and securely. However, we cannot guarantee that the site contains no false, inaccurate, or incomplete information or that no damage will occur for users when using the site. We are not responsible for losses or damages resulting from informational errors, technical problems or downtime on the site, issues with third-party links, or using the site. We also cannot control the outcomes of using the site for users, and we make no promises or guarantees about user outcomes or possible benefits. Visitors and users must exercise their own judgment while using the site and its contents and use the site at their own discretion.

Writing Faith Studio is not intended as a substitute or source for professional pastoral care, counseling, spiritual direction, or physical or mental health advice. Users seeking such services are encouraged to consult with licensed professionals who do provide these forms of care.

Rules of conduct

Writing Faith Studio is committed to promoting the health, safety, well-being, and rights of all users and administrators. To this end, all users are expected to abide by the following rules of conduct:

Age restriction

Users of the site must be at least 18 years of age.

Activity restrictions

Users may not engage in any illegal, criminal, or violent activity on or through the site.

Users may not use the site in any way that violates the rights of another person or organization.

Users may not tamper with the site or its security, including distributing viruses, malware, spam, or any other cyber attack.

Users may not advertise, promote, market, or sell external services, products, goods, or subscriptions on the site without the prior explicit permission of the owner of Writing Faith Studio.

Content restrictions

Users may not post or share any content that contains hate speech, derogatory slurs, or discriminatory, sexually explicit, pornographic, harassing, threatening, violent, or slanderous material (including words, images, videos, and other media).

Users may not spread misinformation on the site.

Interacting with other users and administrators

Users may not insult, demean, harass, bully, threaten, or slander other users or administrators on the site. Users are expected to treat all persons with respect.

Right to terminate accounts and remove content

We reserve the right to terminate accounts, ban users, and stop providing services without notice to users who do not adhere to the Rules of Conduct and Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to remove content that does not adhere to the Rules of Conduct and Terms and Conditions without notice.

Right to make changes

We reserve the right to make changes to the services provided at this site at any time.

We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time.