Curriculum for adults that addresses contemporary issues and injustices
I am passionate about Christian formation for adults. My mission is to meet communities’ pressing need for resources that form and transform adults to live their faith through compassionate, just, and courageous action on this earth.

Resources for Various Programs

Topical Series
I develop 4 – 10-week adult formation series that focus on different topics or church seasons and that promote group discussion and activities.

Bible Studies
I design 1-month and multi-month Bible studies that explore specific Old or New Testament books in depth or that investigate a topic through multiple scriptures.

Book Groups
I create discussion guides, slidedecks, and other resources for group conversations about books that engage faith.

Retreats & Events
I develop formation materials for community events and retreats like lesson plans, journaling prompts, slidedecks, Lectio Divina audio and video guides, and activity handouts.
Featured Curriculum:
Here are some sample lessons from my summer formation series for 2022 called “Renew.” The lessons follow the Sunday lectionary readings and provide prayer practices, reflections on the scriptures, discussion questions, and activities to do in the week ahead.

Week 3
What do you do when you get nothing but silence from God?

Week 4
When we face belonging struggles today, what if we let the Spirit remind us that we have been given belonging in Christ?

Week 7
What if we cultivated and entered spaces free of oppressive expectations for Marys and Marthas in our world?
Get in Touch
If you’re seeking new writings on Christian faith, curriculum resources, or devotional reflections, get in touch!
I welcome opportunities to write as a guest contributor for publications and to be of service to various audiences. I also welcome opportunities to work with Christian communities and create both educational and devotional resources for church programs and seasons. Send me a message through the form below to schedule a conversation!
Icon Credits
- talk bubble by Milinda Courey from Noun Project CC Y 3.0
- bible by Alvaro Cabrera from Noun Project CC Y 3.0
- books by Orin zuu from Noun Project CC Y 3.0
- people by Anastasia Latysheva from Noun Project CC Y 3.0